Moriac Community Network Inc (MCN) EVENTS and ACHIEVEMENTS
Expressions of Interest please
Surf coast are looking at running this course here in Moriac.
The course is designed for the older driver wanting to refresh their skills , sessions are informal and informative runs over 4 weeks
Surf Coast Shire are looking at October during the positive ageing month.
We need 15 to 25 residents to make the course practical to run .
It will be held here in Moriac at the community centre during the day
Please call Anne 0412 646 032 to register your interest .
PS there is no test at the end !
2022 Achievements
One year of History Group running on 1st Monday each month with guest speakers and supper.
- AUGUST - Stuart and Bruce Harvey present on the Harvey Family History as well as the Moriac Store and JWG Harvey truck company
- JULY - Discussion on the MOR-NEWs
- JUNE - Discussion on the Deppler family
- MAY - Norm Houghton and the history of the trainlines (see our local history page for a copy of his presentation)
- APRIL - Geelong historical society
- MARCH - Modewarre Fire Brigade History
- Pop up Market "Get Ready for Mothers Day" Local Moriac & Surrounds, Artists, Makers and Growers POP UP Market! 10am - 2pm Sunday May 2022
- Democracy Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
- 100th Anniversary of Moriac Primary school history collaboration in October
- Positive Aging month Mad Hatter morning tea party in October
- Community Xmas Party picnic
- Electric Vehicle Charging Point open at Moriac Community Centre
- Ground breaking Greenfields Reserve Trail started
- Funding commitment from Darren Cheesemen for Hendy Main Road boadwalk connection to trail.
- Moriac Lions Park upgrade ready for budget allocation
- Moriac Structure Plan feedback to Council
- AUGUST - Stuart and Bruce Harvey present on the Harvey Family History as well as the Moriac Store and JWG Harvey truck company
- JULY - Discussion on the MOR-NEWs
- JUNE - Discussion on the Deppler family
- MAY - Norm Houghton and the history of the trainlines (see our local history page for a copy of his presentation)
- APRIL - Geelong historical society
- MARCH - Modewarre Fire Brigade History
- Pop up Market "Get Ready for Mothers Day" Local Moriac & Surrounds, Artists, Makers and Growers POP UP Market! 10am - 2pm Sunday May 2022
- Democracy Sausage Sizzle fundraiser
- 100th Anniversary of Moriac Primary school history collaboration in October
- Positive Aging month Mad Hatter morning tea party in October
- Community Xmas Party picnic
- Electric Vehicle Charging Point open at Moriac Community Centre
- Ground breaking Greenfields Reserve Trail started
- Funding commitment from Darren Cheesemen for Hendy Main Road boadwalk connection to trail.
- Moriac Lions Park upgrade ready for budget allocation
- Moriac Structure Plan feedback to Council
2021 Achievements
- Get to Know your Neighbour day 23rd May 2021
- purchased new equipment to support volunteer committee eg. speaker system, projector and screen
- reported mould in Moriac Hall to support Playgroup and advocated for repair instead of cleaning (all now replaced and repainted)
- Contacted CORA developers for community engagement
- Advocated for Modewarre CFA to get new station funding
- purchased new equipment to support volunteer committee eg. speaker system, projector and screen
- reported mould in Moriac Hall to support Playgroup and advocated for repair instead of cleaning (all now replaced and repainted)
- Contacted CORA developers for community engagement
- Advocated for Modewarre CFA to get new station funding
2020 Achievements
Submissions on behalf of community:
- Council Budget Submissions for local projects
- Petition to SCS for Beautification of Moriac projects to help with slowing down traffic, pedestrian safety and improve township.
- Aged Care community needs
- Submissions to Vic Roads for improvements
- Environmental Submission for public to use parks
- Moriac Subdivision inclusions
- CORA project ideas
- MCN masks for Moriac and Modewarre
- Greenfields Nature & Fitness Trail project
- Lions Park Upgrade
- Next year projects include community engagement for Moriac Town Structure Plan and Pathways review
- Winchelsea Leadership Group Zoom Meetings
- Moriac Leadership Group Zoom Meetings
- Shire Planning Section zoom meeting
- Community Development officers support meeting
- Volunteer support grant from Libby Coker $2000 to be used towards equipment
- Sea to Trail horse riding trail - feasibility grant with SCS $5000
- Advocating for CFA build Modewarre CFA a new station
- Covid support feedback to Council and attend district meetings
- Stormwater drainage advocacy
- Helping small business with networking
- Facebook admin to community noticeboards
- Defibrillator maintenance
- Advocating for better roads, township intersection upgrade and Princes Highway & Cape Otway Road improvements
Surf Coast Shire grant $500
Christian from Moriac Firewood
Ph: 0438 536 851
Daniel from Barwon Locksmiths
Ph: 0417 013 356
Bryan from Moriac Vet Clinic
Ph: 0447 781 089
Tracey & Ken from TK's Jumping Castle & Slushie Hire
Ph: 0432 641 6648
Casey from Bob Hair & Beauty
Ph: 0421 912 177
Lachlan from Hendy Main Honey
Ph: 0402 367 206
BJB Consulting
Ph: (03) 4206 0126
Brown Magpie Wines
Ph: (03) 5266 2147
Bert's Float N Cafe
Ph: 0413 699 653
Falcon Signs
Ph: 0407 0278 524
Stephen from Mt Moriac Olives
Ph: 0439 375 997
Modewarre CFA, Modewarre Scouts, Moriac Kindergarten.
Kenny's Food Van
Radagan Family Nursery
2019 Achievements
Submissions on behalf of community:
- Local Law Changes to Council Meetings
- Council budget submissions for community items eg. footpaths, safer roads, moriac intersection, bins etc
- TAC Road Safety Forum
- Blackspot Communications in Modewarre, Gherang, Moriac, Gnarwarre and Paraparap
- Engage Victoria - Fixing Country Roads
- Surf Coast Shire Environment & Sustainable Officer to see how can assist with helping environment, overview of
- Surf Coast Shire Community Projects - Sea to Tree horse trail initial meeting
- Surf Coast Shire CEO budget team to submit short and long term project ideas and progress on current projects
- Basket Swing for Newling Reserve Inclusive Playground (see projects page for more information)
- Footpath funding for Cape Otway Road in SCS budget 2019-20
- Stops for parking spaces at Moriac Community Centre (to stop parking over paths)
- New entrance garden and sign for Moriac Community Centre
- Dog Litter education and promotion and work with ranger
- Blackspot Communications investigation
2018 Achievements
We have provided workshops, submissions and responses advocating for the community:
- Surf Coast Shire - Hinterland Strategies
- Suggestions to improve Moriac Pedestrian Safety
- Suggestions to improve Moriac Intersection with Surf Coast Shire, Vic Roads and Powercor
- Advocating for improvement of Cape Otway Road and Princes Highway intersection with Vic Roads
- Requests to clean and upgrade Moriac Public Toilet
- Creating new website with groups and facilities of our community
- Submissions for improving Road Management repair and maintenance
- Applied to Surf Coast Shire and Pick My Projects for inclusive basket swing for Moriac Playground
- Applied to Winchelsea & Bendigo Bank for basket swing grant contribution
- Grants for Community Christmas Carols
- Supported Moriac Tennis Club for State Government Grant for Moriac defibrillator
- Supported Tanners Campground toilet project with DWELP
- Meetings with Surf Coast Shire and CEO budget team to get Moriac projects into budgets
- Letters to State Government for roads funding for Gnarwarre Rd and local roads
- Apply for further footpaths and gravel path walkways for Moriac township
- Improvement of Moriac Community Centre entrance and signage application
- Greenfields Drive reserve pathway application to Council open spaces
- Surf Coast Wellbeing Officer about Cafe Style Program
- Defibrillator training with St Johns Ambulance
- Communicated information sessions for CORA
- Supported and advertised for Sustainable solar power evening
- Invited Hinterland Developer for update as guest speaker to meeting
- Barrabool CWA guest speaker
- Organise and promote events in the community
- 2018 Moriac Community Carols
- Surf Coast Shire grant $500
- Mark from Little Constructions
Ph: (03) 5298 3413 - Hayes Winkle
- Moriac Vet Clinic
- Geelong Septic Tanks
- Winchelsea & District Community Bank
2017 Achievements
We have facilitated and supported some solutions to help alleviate local community issues with:
- Support application for new Defibrillator grant from State Government to sporting clubs and organise training (May 2018)
- Community Road Safety Forum
- Council campaign with speed monitoring signs and Slow Down flyer post out
- Upgrade of Forest and Grays Road in budget
- Vic Roads updated maintenance team fortnightly visits for potholes in Moriac
- Increase in awareness by Winchelsea Police of speeding issue of tourists and trucks
- Review of Moriac Intersection which allowed for 80 speed zone extended from Moriac township, new Railway sign painting on roads
- Solar 40 zone school signs
- Submitting budget planning for Hendy Main Road and local road maintenance for 2018
- Liaise with Vic Roads to get Cape Otway Road upgraded and intersection at Highway made safer
- Application for grant for a basket swing for Newling Reserve
- Dog litter signs and new bins for Moriac playground area
- Application for maintenance and upgrade to Moriac public toilets
- Liaise with new developer and Barwon Water to allow easement in Hinterland to be open for public use walkway
- Fundraising for Cancer Council with Biggest Morning Tea 2017 $3000
- Replacement water bowl and fountain at Moriac Playground
- Community Noticeboard at Community Centre
- Provided input and letter of support for new subdivision Hinterland community pathway green zone
- Supporting guest speakers from local community
- Proposed footpath installation from Moriac Store to Lloyd Mew along Cape Otway Road in this Council budget
- MCN logo competition
- Whiteboard for community groups at the Moriac hall
- Tanners Creek Campground community input
- Domestic Animal Management review community input
- Melbourne Cup Luncheon – social lunch, sweeps and raised $220 for Royal Eye & Ear Hospital Melbourne
- Community Christmas Party